Exploring the nuances of reality and its malleability in our post-factual era, Marc Henry delves into the realm of digital image manipulation with a profound curiosity. A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna under the mentorship of Daniel Richter, Henry‘s multidisciplinary background includes degrees in economics and curatorial studies. This multi-faceted academic foundation underscores his thematic engagement with societal dynamics, macroeconomics, and politics, reflecting an expansive approach to the pictorial space.
Henry‘s artistic language is shaped by a keen interest in narration and composition, fueled by a iconography drawn from his personal archive of reference collages, AI-powered image generators, and 3D rendering programmes. Engaging in a dynamic dialogue between the digital and analogue realms, the artist often revisits the digital file after initial canvas exploration. Through an iterative process, he modifies colours, adjusts compositions, and incorporates newfound discoveries from the painting back into the digital realm. This rhythmic reciprocity continues until a distinctive form emerges, resembling a pseudo-narrative infused with memories of a fabricated reality.
Marc Henry‘s work has been shown at MMIII Kunstverein Mönchengladbach; Schloßmuseum Murnau;  Kunsthalle Oktogon, Hitzacker; Palais Rasumofsky, Vienna and  Belvedere21, Vienna, amongst others.
Installation shots