curated by Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung Lesen Sie mehr -
Jillian Mayer, I Am Your Grandma, 2011, Video, 1 min 03 sec
I Am Your Grandma is an autobiographical video diary log that Mayer records for her unborn grandchildren. The work challenges... Lesen Sie mehr
Jillian Mayer, Makeup Tutorial - How To Hide From Cameras, 2013 Video, 3 min 37 sec
Mayer presents a YouTube video with a makeup tutorial that teaches viewers how to hide from cameras and facial recognizing... Lesen Sie mehr -
Karl Karner und Linda Samaraweerova
Tanzperformance White For November 24, 2013 Performance 'White For' - Tanzquatier Vienna The fine artist Karl Karner and the choreographer Linda Samaraweerová question the logics of... Lesen Sie mehr