Installation view: Nana Mandl & Jillian Mayer
Galerie Kandlhofer presents the multimedia exhibition Rhizome - Images of Thought, with works by five international female artists. The works of Tali Lennox (*1993 London, UK), Jillian Mayer (*1986 Miami, US), Nana Mandl(*1991 Graz, AT), Siggi Sekira (*1987 Odessa, UA) and Katerina Zbortkova (*1986 Tabor, CZ) are exemplary of a generation that has made cutting-edge practices, the interest in collaboration and material transformation its guiding principles. Rhizome shows new works from the fields of painting, sculpture and video installation as manifestations of artistic images of thought.
Nana Mandlwitchcraft-media, 2020mixed media on canvas63 x 83 cm
24 3/4 x 32 5/8 in -
Nana Mandlhead and heartache, 2019embroidery, 3D-liner, paper, textiles, spray paint and wooden pole145 x 150 cm
57 1/8 x 59 1/8 in -
Nana Mandlthe good and the bad, 2019mixed media on canvas83 x 63 cm
32 5/8 x 24 3/4 in
INSTALLATION VIEW: NANA MANDL & JILLIAN MAYERInstallation view: Nana Mandl & Jillian Mayer
Installation view: Nana Mandl, Tali Lennox & Jillian Mayer
Rhizome - Images of thoughtInstallation view X (Tali Lennox, Jillian Mayer), 2020
Jillian MayerSlumpie 50 - The ResortFibreglas, polyurethane plastic, wood and acryl119 x 119 x 116 cm
46 7/8 x 46 7/8 x 45 5/8 in -
Jillian MayerSlumpie 61 - Arch Booth, 2018Fibreglas, polyurethane plastic, wood and acryl56 x 124 x 193 cm
22 1/8 x 48 7/8 x 76 in
Installation view: Jillian Mayer & Tali Lennox
The group exhibition develops a practice of expansion of reality, which leads to a reflection on one's own experiences and the resulting consequences. The observation of an event influences its reality as well as the result. This phenomenon is just as applicable to the smallest scales, when nature follows the laws of quantum mechanics, as to the observable world with its everyday situations.The rhizome, a philosophical concept developed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, comprises a non-hierarchical leitmotif that counters traditional linear classification systems. The term is used in botany to define a rooted plant structure, and its philosophical-metaphorical meaning stands for a multi-branched, cross-referencing, continuously growing model of knowledge. Rhizomes permanently generate connections and ideas, while rejecting classification and dichotomy.¹Rhizome - Images of Thought articulates a positioning a well as a repositioning through art and questions internalized knowledge. The implementation of this idea repeatedly incites new stimuli, which generate new interpretations and discussions. As a result, connecting elements are continuously being discovered and alternative ways of action are created. The meaning of one’s own role, as an observing and interpreting subject, manifests itself in the transformation of events by way of their contextualization.
Installation view: Tali Lennox
Installation view: Nana Mandl, Jillian Mayer, Siggi Sekira & Katerina Zbortkova
Past viewing_room